Yahoo users: To avoid logging-in twice click the "Yahoo" button below first.
Most work is now being applied to the mobile apps. The web version is now minimally maintained and
unlimited free access is no longer provided.
The web version will be left available as a courtesy for those with an account while it's fate is being decided.
infojomizec (@at)
Importing league data and the 'Monte Carlo Simulation' remain free.
With the arrival of the iOS App joining the android version, and thus the web version's uncertain future,
new accounts are not currently being automatically accepted. If neither mobile app version works for your particular needs and you would like an account, email jomizec -at- gmail -dot- com,
and you'll be presented with a host of caveats and further instructions if you still want to proceed.
The Yahoo import process can be finicky. Usually any problems can be resolved by either refreshing
the webpage, restarting the browser, or signing out of Yahoo and then signing back in through this app.
Yahoo League ID#:
Yahoo League Type:
The league setting "...viewable to public..." must be set to "Yes".
The ESPN import process has not been tested for non-NFL sports.
ESPN League ID#:
ESPN League Type:
ESPN League Year:
League Start Week:
MFL's infinite customization options make it difficult to completely test.
The league privacy settings cannot restrict outside sources from access and all tiebreaker data necessary
must appear on the league's standings report.
MFL League ID#:
MFL Host:
infoThe two digits after 'www' when the league is displayed on-line. If none, leave blank.
MFL League Year:
Use team names or abbreviations for display:
The Sleeper import process has not been completely tested.
Sleeper League ID:
Sleeper League Year:
Upcoming week:
The Fleaflicker import process has not been completely tested.
Fleaflicker League ID:
Fleaflicker League Type:
Fleaflicker League Year:
Note the lag time between Fleaflicker updating the standings at the end of the week and 'finalizing' the scores for them to
move from the 'Remaining' to the 'Past' table can be lengthy.
The NFL Fantasy import process has not been completely tested.
NFL Fantasy League ID:
NFL Fantasy League Year:
The Reality Sports Online import process has not been completely tested.
RSO User Name:
infoReality Sports Online requires a user to log on through their API. Only
standings and schedule data is retrieved and used.
RSO Password:
League ID:
Current Week:
The FFPC import process has not been completely tested.
League ID:
The Fantrax API does not provide all necessary data for calculations to be run in most cases. It may still be workable
if the league only uses points or division records as tiebreakers and such data is manually input into
the "Team Info" section.
Fantrax League ID:
Upcoming schedule week:
MyMadden League Name:
infoThe letters shown at the end of the league URL (example "tsl")
infoThis is not the season year but the "nth" season the league is playing. See instructions.
Current week of season:
Last week of season:
Goblin Spy League ID:
Neonsportz League Name:
infoThe letters shown at the end of the league URL (example "PCNFL")
infoThis is not the season year but the "nth" season the league is playing. See instructions.
Current week of season:
Last week of season:
Due to many issues the NFL import processes are not publically available.
If you have a professional or compelling need to access them please request through email
but understand if it cannot be granted.
Access Code:
NFL league Year:
For testing past seasons, week to test:
Due to many issues the MLB import processes are not publically available.
If you have a professional or compelling need to access them please request through email
but understand if it cannot be granted.
Access code:
MLB League Year:
Season start date:
Standings date (yyyy-mm-dd): (Last day completed)
Remaining schedule start (yyyy-mm-dd): (Above + 1)
End date (yyyy-mm-dd):
Due to limits associated with the API used for cricket data the import processes are not publically available.
Access code:
Series search:
Cricket Series:
API daily requests remaining: If less than 50 there may be problems importing a series.
If NRR is used as a tiebreaker then put the whole number of (NRR * 100) in the PA fields as applicable after importing data.
Google Sheets KEY (the characters in the URL between the slashes after 'spreadsheets/d/'):
Testing Data
Depending on host and league details, the import process may take up to a few minutes.
Helpful hint: Turning voice on will provide a cue when calculations requiring longer proessing time are complete.
Multiple divisions, each division winner automatically receives a playoff berth:
Wildcard Spots
Wildcard spots (or total playoff spots if no divisions) based on records:
Tie Games
Include the possibility of tied games in the calculations ("yes" only applied if 14 or less remaining games):
Calculation of Points Tiebreaker
If applicable, how the program will calculate the amount of points teams could gain or lose against each other:
Calculation of All-Play Tiebreaker
If applicable, how the program will calculate the amount of all-play wins teams could gain or lose against each other:
Calculation of Victory Points Tiebreaker
If applicable, the amount of VP awarded for each win (incompatible with B-i-D method):
If applicable, the most amount of additional VP earned
per week/round based on points scored:
Median Scoring
League awards an additional win for team scores in the top half for the week/round
(incompatible with B-i-D method):
Additional Playoff Teams
League awards additional playoff spots to the top point or VP scoring team(s):
How many additional teams:
Best in Division
Use "best-in-division" method (e.g. MFL, Madden) to determine wildcards:
If applicable, which conference to process calculations for:
Points-Based League
League is 'points-based' e.g. hockey, win = 2 or 3 pts, tie = 1 pt, *O/T loss = 0 pts* (select 'points' as 1st tiebreaker above):
Common Game Tiebreaker
If applicable, the minimum number of opponents for the "common" tiebreaker to be applied:
Magic Options
Check teams for clinched or eliminated status if using the highly-experimental magic calculations:
Specified Number of Paths
For leagues with multiple conferences, bye-weeks, doubleheaders, some completed games in the current week/round,
or where the delete games feature was used, manually select the number of games in the upcoming week/round to calculate 'paths' for:
Include Non-Conference Games
For multi-conference leagues, include non-conference games in calculations (usually not needed):
Isolate Team
Employ additional calculations on one team to insure their "clinch" determinations are as accurate
as possible (see instructions):
Team ID to isolate
Alternative H2H Info
Past results H2H info is condensed
Testing option, limits some repetitive tasks to quicken results for tests:
Recap Format
Show team synopsis in table format (recommended):
Sort Results
Roughly sort teams by "good" to "bad" in results display ("no" preserves order shown in "Team Info"):
Simple Odds Display
Combine clinch and tie odds (cannot be used with B-i-D method), not perfect:
Analysis options
Important notes and warnings: This tool attempts to have a device do super-computer tasks via
an almost infinite number of calculations over possibly extended amounts of time using formulas and processes that are
unorthodox and suspect at best, and is strictly 'USE AT YOUR OWN RISK'. Once one of the 'Analysis' buttons is
clicked please be patient as the processing time varies from a few seconds to many minutes or even hours depending on the
options chosen and complexity of the inputs and scenarios. On most browsers a spinning circle will indicate the process is ongoing.
If a browser message appears similar to 'web page is not responding' ignore it or select 'wait'.
When the process is complete the results will be displayed on the screen. It is recommended that the device be left alone during the processing and
that all other programs and windows be closed to dedicate computer resources to this, other than a 'Task Manager' window running is
suggested to monitor CPU usage and can serve as a visual indicator in case the program 'crashes' while the spinning circle continues.
Please see the full instructions and videos for additional details. Some of the tips in those can save one a lot of time.
Verify inputs above before clicking on one of the 'Analysis' buttons. Watch for accidental mouse or touchpad
movements changing the input on specific cells and doublecheck the options selected. The calculations are made soley based on what data
and inputs are shown above, whether correct or not.
Monte Carlo
Full Calculations
Include Paths-to-Clinch
Include Elimination Scenarios
Magic Calculations
PlayoffComputer Results
This will open a new window and print the results below. Pop-ups may need to be enabled.